The Logic of Love 

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The Eventual Destiny of Everyone


Have you ever had a really great day? Maybe it was a day with your loved ones, doing things that you relished. Maybe there was delicious food and the scenery was incredibly beautiful. Your body felt perfectly healthy, and your mind was at peace, with no worries at all. Your day was full of laughter and fun, and every interaction with the people around you was based on kindness and respect. You felt completely safe. Even when you were on your own, you felt at peace with yourself and sensed a deep love surrounding you.

Days like this are very much the exception for our lives here on Earth. It may even be difficult for many people to imagine such an experience. But hopefully this description can serve as a starting point for contemplating an existence in which there is no death, suffering or fear, and one in which people love each other, not because of what they can gain from the relationship, but because of their respect for the uniqueness of the other person and their desire to live in harmony with them.

Imagine an environment where everyone has enough of everything they need. Things are made to last. The weather is never extreme. The surroundings are beautiful, and the air is full of fragrance. There is no war, famine, poverty or exploitation. And everyone has the opportunity to pursue their interests and discover new activities, whether it be sport, art, exploration, cooking, reading, writing, gardening, bird watching or just relaxing with friends and family.

Maybe you have been to places where you have glimpsed this kind of environment? Although it is not possible as a permanent state on this Earth, we believe that humankind is heading toward an existence where this will be our daily experience. It’s the abundant life that Jesus promised us in the Bible (John 10:10b).

We believe that such an existence will be achieved in the ages to come as humans mature and become more like Jesus in their character and their behaviour. In the New Testament we are told that God will create new heavens and a new earth, and Jesus himself said that he was going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2). We will be raised from death with new bodies that are designed to never die (1 Corinthians 15:35-58), and God will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4).

There will be a city (in Hope for Everyone we have called it the Eternal City) where people who have matured to become ‘Christlike’ will be able to live in harmony with one another. We believe this city will be more like a whole country, due to its massive dimensions and the trees, rivers and other rural imagery that appear in the biblical description (Revelation 21).

We do not believe that this new reality will be achieved by an overnight transformation, or that people will suddenly arrive at this maturity by means of a personality transplant. The citizens of this city will be those who have learned to follow the two greatest commandments: to love God with all one’s heart and to love one’s neighbour as oneself (Matthew 22:37-39). They have become mature, because they have gone through a process whereby their hearts have been changed as they have learned to follow the promptings of God’s Holy Spirit.

We believe that people in the heavenly city may still have disagreements. Because each person is unique, we will still have our own opinions, tastes, preferences and our own agency. However, when differences and disagreements arise, they will be handled with grace, forgiveness, understanding, compassion and empathy. This is what happens when people live according to the fruit of the Spirit, which is described in the Bible as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). 

It’s been our personal experience that the love of God is changing our hearts. This is also the testimony of many people the world over. Inner healing starts when a person knows in their deepest being that they are unfailingly loved, cherished and cared for. Most societies recognise that care, respect, consideration and kindness are hallmarks of a healthy person. This comes from the recognition of what is good for everyone.

Imagine a world where everyone shows each other this respect and does not abuse anyone, thinking instead of what is best for the other person.

Add to this a willingness to forgive, to be patient and to act with grace in all situations, and where there are misunderstandings, frustrations and disagreements, to always show honour, respect and empathy. Such a world would be one of abundant life.

We believe that this is the nature of salvation.


What is ‘salvation’?

The word ‘salvation’ is used in many religions around the world. It is a concept that is found throughout the Bible and it acquires new meaning following the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The New Testament is full of teaching regarding salvation. Here are some verses to consider…

“This Jesus is the stone you builders rejected; he has become the cornerstone! Salvation can be found in no one else. Throughout the whole world, no other name has been given among humans through which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:11-12 CEB

“The Lord isn’t slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives.”

2 Peter 3:9 CEB

“The scripture says, All who have faith in him won’t be put to shame. There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord is Lord of all, who gives richly to all who call on him. All who call on the Lord’s name will be saved.”

Romans 10:11-13 CEB

Salvation is God’s ability to rescue, renew and reconcile creation. The Greek word most often translated as ‘salvation’ in the Bible is sozo, which refers to much more than just the forgiveness of sin. Its meaning includes a sense of being protected, kept safe, delivered, healed and made whole.

Yes, we have all fallen short of our potential for lives based on agape love (the divine, unfailing type of love), but the God who is Love knows how to reach us.

We believe that God, through Jesus, is in the process of saving everyone by providing the environments each person needs to fully mature and live according to agape love. The first environment (this Earth) is one in which each person is conceived and most are born to live for a period of time with the potential to grow and become more mature in the way they think and act. Further environments (described as communities in Hope for Everyone) will be provided in the ages to come as required to encourage (but not force) this process.

Salvation is the process by which we mature. It is the process which will eventually result in everyone loving everyone and everything around them with agape love. We are each already loved and included in this process.

“Don’t you realize that God’s kindness is supposed to lead you to change your heart and life?” Romans 2:4b CEB

God’s disposition toward us is always kindness. It is with loving care that God leads us away from our destructive ways and into his way. That is salvation at work.

We are ‘being saved’ as we mature to live our lives based on unfailing love, learning to both give and receive it. As our actions and attitudes increasingly flow from our union with God and through walking with the Holy Spirit, we will increasingly become salvation for ourselves and for others.