The Logic of Love 

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Using the Bible to Justify Our Position


We recognise that using the Bible to support any position is beset with problems. Our English translations often do not accurately reflect the original languages, and some parts of the Bible assign to God actions that do not accord with his character. In this booklet we have used various different translations when quoting verses, in each case choosing the one that (in our opinion) reflects the meaning most accurately. Countless scholars have written books on how to engage with the Bible, some of which we list on our website.

Our core position is that the four gospels in the New Testament are a reliable record of the life and teaching of Jesus and that the New Testament letters were written by those who lived at the time of Jesus. We have come to have confidence that the New Testament accurately depicts the life of Jesus and the lives of his disciples following his death and resurrection.

Jesus often uses the Old Testament in his teachings. He sometimes endorses what is written, sometimes suggests new interpretations and sometimes counters its statements. We attempt to use the same approach, examining everything in the light of the love that Jesus demonstrated.

We believe that biblical scripture, alongside Christian spiritual experience and reason, places love at the centre of who God is. Our ideas and suggestions are the result of years of study, thought, prayer and conversation – taking in many wonderful books, blogs and essays on the way. We have included references to belief systems beyond our Christian background that point to similar ideas. We have an inclusive and compassionate view of humanity in general and join with those who have reached for the divine throughout the centuries around the world.

As we have explored the logic of love, we have drawn great encouragement from the Bible, and we always come back to the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus as the central belief on which our ideas are founded.