Possible Overarching Plan

We believe that there is an overarching plan and that this world is just a stage in that plan.

In our view the overarching plan has the following stages:

Establishment of an environment suitable for mortal beings

Start of the age in which each species multiplies

Declaration and demonstration of the creator's character to humans

Development of those who are willing to follow Eternal Love

Creation of a new environment suitable for immortal beings

Progressive acceptance by humans of the true character of Eternal Love

Eventual establishment of a world where all sentient beings live an abundant life.

Establishing the Environment on This Earth

No one knows how it was created, but most will agree that the environment of this earth is wonderfully made. Everything necessary for life to flourish has been provided and despite the many ways in which mankind has spoilt it, it remains in large part an incredibly beautiful place. In our view it has been intricately designed. It is just too carefully constructed to have come about by accident.

The Age of Multiplication

Each species has experienced a period of population growth, and although some have subsequently become extinct, the human race has multiplied. We believe that the primary purpose of this stage is the creation of many individuals, each with a unique character.

To ensure that each species had the best chance of multiplying, each living being was given the desires to procreate, protect and prosper. These desires can be seen in all living things, and the variety of ways they are manifested is astonishing.

Any system created in a physical environment is limited by design constraints. For example, it is not possible to design a water cycle that excludes the possibility of flooding. This world is not without problems, but we believe it is the best possible environment that could have been created to ensure the multiplication of species, in particular humans.

The Creator with Us

The creator has always been with us. To make his message as clear as possible he sent his son. Jesus demonstrated that the creator understands our suffering and that resurrection from the dead is possible. He told us about the creator's plan and assured us that we should not fear, because he would save everyone.

Development of Those Willing to Follow Eternal Love

Since Jesus' first visit, a growing number of people have attempted to follow his example. Whilst often finding life hard, they grow in inner peace and the ability to show divine love.

We believe that Jesus will return and will encourage his followers to mature in the ways of divine love. They will become proficient in demonstrating this love to others. This process is described in our book 'Emerging from the Rubble'.

The New Earth

A New Earth will be created which is similar to this earth. It will have mountains and streams, trees and animals. 

Some of the characteristics will however be different. Everyone will be immortal. The desire to procreate will not exist and the desires to protect and prosper will be transformed to align with divine love.

Our vision of the environment of the New Earth is described in the fictional story set out in our book Hope for Everyone.

The Process of Reconciliation

The process of establishing a society where everyone who has ever been conceived will co-exist will be complex and take a long time. We believe that Eternal Love never coerces or dictates but only shows love. Through constantly experiencing divine love, each and every person will eventually be transformed and become mature. Once they have reached this state, they will be able to live an abundant life and enjoy relationship with God and their neighbours.

This process is described in the fictional story set out in our book Hope for Everyone.

Abundant Life for All

The last stage of the plan will see each and every person living a wonderful life. Everyone will be free to express their own character within the environment of divine love. Although disagreements and misunderstandings will still occur, they will be quickly resolved through the application of forgiveness and mercy. The sheer abundance of good things to do and people to meet will ensure that life is never boring.

Eventually 'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well'  - Julian of Norwich